"The Well's Blessing" is a short (2-3h~) narrative-driven first-person exploration and puzzle game in which three zoomorphic teenagers go through a maturation process as they wander through the mystical Sanctuary of the Old Well, discovering its history and meeting other curious visitors. 

This project originated as my individual Final Degree Thesis, for which I received a grade of 10/10. The team now includes Tancla (WYRMHALL: Brush and Banter, Dice of God, Dragon Drop) as composer, Kel Dopacio (Neva) as animator, and Roland Sierra and Alex Baciu as additional level designers/writers. We are currently working on a vertical slice to push the game forward. We have a playable prototype, a teaser, and a game design document (GDD), among other resources.

"The Well's Blessing" is part of ARSENAL's "GAMEPLAY" incubation program and the 2nd edition of the young digital culture festival "Vibez".

Learn more on our Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thewellsblessing_en
Initially, solo-developer. Currently:
3D/2D/Technical Artist
Audio designer
Personal project